
How To Install Proxychains In Kali Linux

Welcome back, my novice hackers!

The worst matter that can happen to any hacker is existence detected past a security admin, the security technologies (IDS, firewall, etc.), or a forensic investigator.

Every time we send a parcel to our intended target, that packet contains our IP address in the IP header. When nosotros make a TCP connection, the target system volition log our IP address every bit it logs all connections. If we ready off any security alarms or alerts, our IP accost volition be logged. All of these events increase the possibility of detection.

In order to hack anonymously with the least chance of detection, we need to employ an intermediary machine whose IP accost will be left on the target system. This can be done by using proxies.

These systems are designed to take our traffic and and so forrad information technology on to the intended target. Of course, the proxy will likely log our traffic, but an investigator would take to go a amendment or search warrant to obtain the logs.

If we string multiple proxies in a chain, we make information technology harder and harder to notice our original IP accost. If one of those proxies is outside the jurisdiction of the victim, it makes it very unlikely that any traffic tin can be attributed to our IP address.

Both Kali and BackTrack have an excellent tool for proxying our traffic called proxychains. In this tutorial, I will show how to employ this elementary, but powerful tool.

Stride 1: Find Proxychains

Let's start past finding proxychains. Type:

  • kali > locate proxychains

Equally nosotros can run into in the screenshot below, proxychains is in the /usr/bin directory. Since /usr/bin is in our PATH variable, we can employ information technology from any directory. This is just as nosotros would want since we utilise proxychains with other commands, which may Non probable be in the PATH variable.

Step ii: Proxychains Syntax

The syntax for the proxycahins command is simple and straightforward.

  • kali> proxychains <the command y'all want proxied> <any arguments>

So, if I wanted to apply proxychains to scan a site with nmap anonymously, I could type:

  • kali> proxychains nmap -sS <IP address>

Pace 3: Set up the Config File

Like almost every awarding in Linux/Unix, configuration is managed by a simple text file called the config file. In the case of proxychains, this file is /etc/proxychains.conf. Nosotros tin can open it in leafpad or any other text editor (vi, emacs, gedit, kwrite, etc.), by typing:

  • kali > leafpad /etc/proxychains.conf

When we practice then, we will come across a file similar that displayed below. If we ringlet down this file a bit, we volition see a department that I have highlighted labeled "add proxy list here...".

To get proxychains to use intermediary proxies, nosotros only need to add together the IP addresses of the proxies we desire to utilise here. It's important to notation that proxychains defaults to use Tor.

Discover the last line in the screenshot above. It directs proxychains to send the traffic get-go through our host at on port 9050 (the default Tor configuration). If you are using Tor, leaves this as it is. If you are not using Tor, y'all will need to comment out this line.

As much as I similar Tor, it is very deadening and we now know that the NSA has broken Tor, and so I am much less likely to depend upon it for anonymity.

Step iv: Allow's Test It

Now that nosotros have put a proxy between us and any traffic we ship, let'southward test it out. In this case, I am simply going to practise an nmap browse to anonymously by sending the scan through a proxy. The control would exist as follows:

  • kali > proxychains nmap -sS

As you lot can see in the screenshot above, I have successfully scanned through my chosen proxy and returned the results back to me. In this way, information technology appears that my proxy scanned and not my IP accost.

Some More than Interesting Options

At present that we have proxychains working, let's look at some options that we tin configure through the proxychains.conf. Equally we now have it set up up, we are simply using a single proxy. Nosotros can put in numerous proxies and use all of them, we tin employ a limited number from the list, or nosotros can have proxychains change the order randomly. Permit'southward endeavour all of those options.

Step 5: Add together More Proxies

First, allow'south add some more proxies to our listing. Open /etc/proxychains.config and add more proxy IPs similar I've washed beneath.

Step half dozen: Proxychaining

At present that we have multiple IPs in our proxychain.conf we tin can ready dynamic chaining. Dynamic chaining volition enable usa to run our traffic through every proxy on our listing, and if one of the proxies is down or not responding, it volition automatically get to the next proxy in the listing without throwing an error.

To exercise and so, let's get-go open the proxychains configuration file again.

With this file open, uncomment out the "dynamic_chains" line. This volition enable dynamic chaining of our proxies allowing for greater anonymity and problem-free hacking.

Step 7: Random Chaining

Finally, nosotros can too utilise "random chaining". With this pick, proxychains will randomly choose IP addresses from our listing and employ them for creating our proxychain. This means that each time we utilise proxychains, the concatenation of proxy will wait unlike to the target, making it harder to rail our traffic from its source.

To do and so, open up the /etc/proxychains.conf file and annotate out "dynamic chains" and uncomment "random chain". Since we tin only utilise one of these options at a time, make certain that you comment out the other options in this section before using proxychains.

In addition; you lot may desire to uncomment the line with "chain_len". This will decide how many of the IP addresses in your chain will be used in creating your random proxy chain.

Now that you know how to utilise proxychains, you can do your hacking with relative anonymity. I say relative, considering at that place is no surefire way to remain bearding with the NSA spying on all our activeness. All we can practice is make detection MUCH harder, and proxychains can aid do this for us.

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Paradigm credits: Glove and keyboard and IP fingerprinting via Shutterstock


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